Resource Library

By Matt Henslee A friend of mine recently shared a gripe on social media. These days that should come...

Some pastors are called to do ministry in a big church. But most are called to small church ministry....

Editor’s note: In mid-December 2019, Dusty accepted a call to pastor a church of six senior adults....

Most people know about CPR, which is a lifesaving skill that helps to provide necessary oxygen-rich...

Small churches are not better than big churches. Big churches aren’t better than small ones. The arguments...

TURNAROUND PASTORS USE CRISIS TO LEAD! January 22, 2020|Growth, Leadership, Pastoral Care, Rural Church...

In The State of Missiology Today: Global Innovations in Christian Witness, Charles Van Engen proposes...

Build Next Year's Reading List Both the culture and the ministry of church planting in North America...

Recently, we asked a penetrating question: Who owns the spiritual condition of your neighborhood? It’s...
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