Resource Library

CHURCH PLANTING READING LIST This is certainly not a comprehensive list, but when church planters ask...

Why We Need a Church Planting Manifesto By Jeff Christopherson We make statements every day. Most are...

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking the Language of Mission I recently started a series addressing the...

How to Lead Well as a Church Planting Leader Three tips from my own experience as a church planting leader....

Increasing Evangelism in Church Planting There’s no question that church planting has become the hot...

The Send Network has created an E-book to consider the attributes of a healthy church planter. The authors...

A Case for De-Coupling Church Planting and Entrepreneurship Over the last decade, I’ve noticed an interesting...

Convergence of Vocation: A Covocational Primer for Church Planting Networks The Send Institute recently...

The Roaring Lion Depression & Suicide in the Christian Family Have you ever watched a roaring lion? ...

Business For Mission as a Model For Church Planting An Incredible Need Oftentimes, the strategic church...
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