Christian Colleges & Universities
Christian colleges that prepare women and men for a lifetime of Gospel witness across the country and around the world.
Pilot Program with CRU
Throughout the history of Christian colleges and universities, mission work has proven a catalyzing force for evangelism through training and inspiring core student leaders to build cultures of evangelism and mission upon returning to campus.
To this end, the Evangelism Commission in partnership with the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center (WCBGC) and Cru is proposing a pilot program designed to study effective student mission work with the aim of producing effective resources and training designed to catalyze evangelistic cultures on CCCU campuses.
Building on initial findings by the WCBGC, this project will focus on launching a pilot program of 10 missions before the end of 2024. These missions will draw up to 200 students from a representative body of CCCU member schools, as well as encourage the incorporation of staff and faculty at the discretion of individual schools.

The 2024 CCCU’s Multi-Academic Conference II
Dr. John Plake, Chief Ministry Officer, of the American Bible Society, and Rev., Dr. Angulus Wilson, Chaplin at Wheaton College, will present data on the spiritual and evangelistic health of key colleges and universities.
The goal is to establish an outline of what is cultivating a passion for evangelism among students and training them for effective outreach, with Chaplain Wilson offering a practical exhortation for leaders to revitalize evangelism on our campuses.

Christian colleges that prepare women and men for a lifetime of Gospel witness across the country and around the world.
– Evangelism Commission Vision

Created Resources
Partnered Resources

Our Leadership Team
Inaugural Commissioners
Mr. Mark Mittelberg, Executive Director, The Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics, Colorado Christian University
Dr. Rev. Angulus Wilson, College Chaplain, Wheaton College
Dr. Greg Anderson, Graduate School Chaplain, Wheaton College (Chair)
Dr. W. Jay Moon, Professor of Church Planting and Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary
Dr. Bernie Cueto, Vice President for Spiritual Development, Campus Pastor, & Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Rev. Dr. Andrea Summers, Campus Pastor – Dean of Spiritual Formation, Indiana Wesleyan University
Commission Advisors
Dr. Jerry Root, Professor of Evangelism Emeritus, Wheaton College
Pastor Laurel Bunker, Principal Consultant, The Boncoeur Collaborative, Former Vice President, Christian Formation, Bethel University
Mr. Samuel Chiang, Executive Director, Global Evangelism Network, World Evangelical Alliance
Mr. Mike Whipple, Director of Strategic Partnering, Cru
Mr. Andrew Cook, Executive Director, Wheaton College Billy Graham Center
Marshall E. Flowers, Jr., Ph.D.CCCU Senior Fellow and Liaison to the Evangelism Commission