Rural Church Institute

TURNAROUND PASTORS USE CRISIS TO LEAD! January 22, 2020|Growth, Leadership, Pastoral Care, Rural Church...

Recently, we asked a penetrating question: Who owns the spiritual condition of your neighborhood? It’s...

RURAL CHURCH, SMALL TOWN, MULTISITE Bringing big church opportunities to small communities | ANDY ADDIS...

Do not make any changes in the first year. | BRIAN WECHSLER I’ll never forget the sunny day that Carole...

Donnie Griggs, J.D. Vance, and Winn Collier | CHARLIE COTHERMAN If church history has shown us anything,...

Jesus, Rural Ministry, and Football | CHARLIE COTHERMAN This past September, I had the chance to attend...

Bivocational Ministry as an Evangelism Opportunity One-third of American pastors are bivocational. |...

By Rob Hoskins Many of us are busy. So much so that we rush from one thing to the next having failed...
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