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Questioning Christianity

Lecture Series

Questioning Christianity
—a series of four lectures

Christianity’s decline in America is much talked about. Increasingly, people feel faith no longer makes sense in our lives. The Questioning Christianity lecture series invites key experts from the US and beyond to address today’s doubts and field audience questions.

The Questioning Christianity lecture series is hosted by Wheaton College and sponsored by the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center and the Jean Kvamme Distinguished Chair of Public Christianity.

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We will continue the series this Fall with Dr. Sam Chan!
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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Questioning Christianity —lecture one

Is Christianity Sexist?

Amy Orr-Ewing (D.Phil, Oxford) is a British scholar, who will confront the complicated history and ideology of the church’s mistreatment of women.

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Questioning Christianity —lecture two

Has the Church Done More Harm than Good?

John Dickson (PH.D., Macquarie) is an Australian historian, now a professor at Wheaton. He will address the perennial problem of Christian bad behaviour, from the Crusades to modern scandals.

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Questioning Christianity —lecture three

Is Christianity Out-of-Date & Out-of-Touch

Rebecca McLaughlin (PhD, Cambridge) is a British expert living in Massachusetts. She will examine the charge that Christianity is inherently narrow, bigoted, and life-denying.

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Questioning Christianity —lecture four

Are There Too Many Versions of Christianity— to take any of them seriously?

John Dickson (PH.D., Macquarie) will return to explore whether—amid the many fractious denominations of the world—there might still be such a thing as ‘mere Christianity’.

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