Church Multiplications Institute

How Secularity Will Advance the Gospel of the Kingdom Religious pluralism has provided space for the...

Preparing to Innovate In the 1987 movie The Untouchables, Eliot Ness, played by Kevin Costner, is tasked...

CHURCH PLANTING READING LIST This is certainly not a comprehensive list, but when church planters ask...

Why We Need a Church Planting Manifesto By Jeff Christopherson We make statements every day. Most are...

Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking the Language of Mission I recently started a series addressing the...

How to Lead Well as a Church Planting Leader Three tips from my own experience as a church planting leader....

Increasing Evangelism in Church Planting There’s no question that church planting has become the hot...

The Send Network has created an E-book to consider the attributes of a healthy church planter. The authors...

A Case for De-Coupling Church Planting and Entrepreneurship Over the last decade, I’ve noticed an interesting...

Convergence of Vocation: A Covocational Primer for Church Planting Networks The Send Institute recently...

The Roaring Lion Depression & Suicide in the Christian Family Have you ever watched a roaring lion? ...
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